martes, 9 de junio de 2009


1. Blood : is a fluid fabric that has a red typical color, due to the presence of the pigment hemoglobínico contained in the eritrocitos. (SANGRE)

2. Injection: is a procedure by means of which one makes spend(pass) a liquid or a viscous material across a pipe or a circular conduit for a certain end(purpose). (INYECCION)

3. Asepsis: is the free condition of microorganisms that produce diseases or infections. The term(end) can be applied so much to surgical as(like) medical situations (ASEPSIA)

4.Hemorrhage: is the exit of blood out of his(her,your) normal continent that is the cardiovascular system. (HEMORRAGIA)

5.Infection : is the clinical term(end) for the settling of an organism(organisation) guest for exterior(foreign) species(kinds). (INFECCION)

6.Esfigmomanómetro :I Orchestrate doctor used for the measurement of the arterial pressure. (ESFIGMOMANÓMETRO)

7.Semiología: is the science that studies the systems of signs: languages, codes, signpostings, etc. (SEMIOLOGÍA )

8.Thermometer: is an instrument of measurement of temperature. (TERMOMETRO)

9. Stethoscope: is an acoustic device used in medicine, physical therapy, veterinary and infirmary(nursing) for the auscultation or to hear the internal sounds of the human or animal(rude) body. (ESTETOSCOPIO)

10.Disease: is a process and the consistent status of affection of an alive(vivacious) being, characterized by an alteration of his(her,your) ontological condition(state) of health. (ENFERMEDAD)

11.Nutrition: is the biological process in which the organisms(organisations) assimilate the food and the liquids necessary for the functioning, the growth and the maintenance of his(her,your) vital functions. (NUTRICION)

12. Microorganism: also so called microbe or microscopic organism(organisation), is an alive(vivacious) being who only can be visualized by the microscope. (MICRORGANISMO)

13.Medicine: is a medicament, active or joint beginning(principle) of them, integrated(repaid) a form pharmaceutical and destined for his(her,your) utilization in the persons or in the animals, endowed with properties to anticipate(prepare), to diagnose, to treat, to relieve or to treat diseases, symptoms or pathological conditions(states). (MEDICAMENTO)

14.Dehydration: is the excessive loss of water and you work out mineral of a body.(DESHIDRATACION)

15.Nursing: is the science of the care of the health of the human being. (ENFERMERIA)

16. Vaccine : is prepared of antigens that once inside the organism(organisation) there provokes a response of assault, named antibody. (VACUNA)

17.Antigen: is a substance that unleashes the formation(training) of antibodies and can cause an immune response. (ANTIGENO)

18.Antibodies: are glucoproteínas of the type gamma globulin.(ANTICUERPOS)

19.Vesical probes: are sanitary products of an alone use, and instruments with form of pipe and of composition, calibre, length and changeable consistency.(SONDAS VESICALES)

20. Vital signs: are measured of several physiological statistics frequently thought by professionals of health this way to value the most basic corporal functions.(SIGNOS VITALES)

21.Arterial pressure: is the pressure that exercises the blood against the wall of the arteries. (PRESION ARTERIAL)

22. Pulse: of a person is the pulsation provoked by the expansion of his(her,your) arteries as consequence of the traffic of blood pumped by the heart. (PULSO)

23.Frequency prerespiratoria is the number of breathings that an alive(vivacious) being effects(carries out) in a specific space. (FRECUENCIA PRERESPIRATORIA)

24. Syndrome: is a clinical picture or symptomatic set that presents some disease with certain meaning and that for his(her,your) characteristics possesses certain identity; it(he,she) is to say, a significant group of symptoms and signs (information semiológicos), that they meet(compete) in time and form, and with varied reasons or etiologies. (SINDROME)

25. Infusion: is a drink obtained of the dry leaves(sheets), parts(reports) of the flowers or of the fruits of diverse aromatic grasses(herbs), to which they are spilt or one introduces them in water to a temperature bigger than her(it) sets, but without managing to boil.( INFUSION).

26. Health: is the condition(state) of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of affections or diseases, according to the definition of the World Organization of the Health realized in his(her,your) constitution of 1946. (SALUD)

27.Analgesic: is a medicine that calms or eliminates the pain.(ANALGESICO)

28. Virus: is a biological entity that to answer guest needs from a cell.(VIRUS)

29. Process of nursing: is a set of meaningful actions(shares) that the professional of nursing, resting(relying) on models and theories, realizes in a specific order, in order to assure that the person who needs of taken care from health should receive the best possible ones on the part of nursing.(PROCESO DE ENFERMERIA)

29. Oxygen therapy: is a therapeutic measure that consists of the administration of oxygen to major concentrations that those who are in air of the environment, with the intention of trying or anticipating(preparing) the symptoms and the manifestations of the hypoxia.(OXIGENOTERAPIA)

30. Hipoventilación: decrease of the air volume that enters the pulmones/slow and superficial breathing.(HIPOVENTILACION)

31.Arterial hypertension: is a medical condition characterized by a constant increase of the numbers(figures) of arterial pressure over 140/90 mmHg and considered one of the problems of public health in developed countries concerning to near billion persons worldwide.(HIPERTENSION ARTERIAL)

32. Bacteria: are single-cell microorganisms that present a size of some micrometers of length (between(among) 0,5 and 5 m, in general) and diverse forms including spheres, bars and propellers(helices). (BACTERIA)

33. Fungi: is organisms(organisations) eucarióticos that realize an external digestion of his(her,your) food, secreting enzymes, and that absorb then the molecules disueltas resultant of the digestion.(HONGO)

34. Cardiopathy cardiac disease produced for ateroesclerosis. (CARDIPATIA)

35. Epidemic is: a description in the community health that happens when a disease affects a top number of individuals to waited in a population during a certain time.(EPIDEMIA)

36. Endemia: is a pathological process that is kept throughout a lot of time in a population or geographical certain zone.(ENDEMIA)

37. Pandemic: expression that means disease of the whole people(village) is an epidemic or affectation of a persons' infectious disease along a geographically extensive area is a continent or up to the entire world.(PANDEMIA)

38.Pain: is an emotional and sensory, generally disagreeable experience, which there can experience all those alive(vivacious) beings who have a nervous system.(DOLOR)

39.Inflammation: treats itself about an unspecific response opposite to the aggressions of the way, and is generated by the inflammatory agents.(INFLAMACION)

40.Displasia: is an abnormality in the aspect of the cells due to the disturbances in the process of the ripeness of the cell.(DISPLASIA)

41. Noxa: is any agent etiológico or biological that an organism does not recognize like own and that affects the health of the individual.(NOXA)

42.Cardiorespiratory resuscitation: is a set of maneuvers destined to assure the oxygenation of the organs when the traffic of the blood of a person stops.(RESUSITACION CARDIORESPIRATORIA)

43.Hipertermia : is a serious disorder that one presents when an organism homeotérmico does not manage to remove any more heat of the one that it generates or absorbs, and generally it happens for being exposed to a heat source.(HIPERTERMIA)

43. Pirogeno : substances that operating on the centers termorreguladores of the hypothalamus produce an increase of temperature.(PIROGENO)

45. Anatomy : is a descriptive science that studies the internal structures of the living entities, that is to say the topography, the location, the disposition, and the relation between yes of the organs that compose them.(ANATOMIA)

46.Migraine: is a symptom that can owe to multiple diseases, of diverse etiologies.(CEFALEA)

47. Symptom: indexes subjective that a patient gives for the perception or change that it recognizes like anomalous, or caused for a pathological condition or disease.(SINTOMA)

48.Capsules: are small containers or soluble packings generally made based on gelatine in whose interior is situated the dose of the medicament that one will administer for oral route.(CAPSULAS)

49. Cyanosis: is the bluish coloration of the skin, mucous and beds ungueales, usually due to the existence of at least, 5 g. of hemoglobin reduced in the circulating blood or of pigments hemoglobínicos anomalous in the hematíes or red blood cells.(CIANOSIS)

50.Enema: is the procedure of introducing liquids in the rectum and the colon across the anus.(ENEMA)

51. Hemoglobin: is a pigment of red color, which on having intergesticulated with the oxygen takes a red color scarlet, which is the color of the arterial blood and on having lost the oxygen takes a dark red color, which is the color typical of the venous blood. (HEMOGLOBINA)

52. Dose: is the content of active beginning of a medicine, expressed in quantity for unit of capture, for unit of volume or of weight, depending on the presentation, which one will administer of once.(DOSIS)

53. Cardiac noises: are the listened ones in the cardiac auscultation. Normally they are two noises (1 º and 2 º) separated between(among) yes for two silences (small and great I silence respectively).(RUIDOS CARDIACOS)

54. Diuresis: is An Excretion of the urine.(DIURESIS)

55. Pulmonary ventilation: to the set of processes that make flow the air between(among) the atmosphere and the pulmonary alveoli across the acts alternantes of the inspiration and the expiration.(VENTILACION PULMONAR)

56. Edema: is the accumulation of liquid in the space tisular intercellular or intermediate and also in the cavities of the organism(organisation).(EDEMA)

57. Water balance: stems from the concept of balance in accounting, that is to say, that is the balance between(among) all the water resources that enter to the system and that go out of the same one, in an interval of certain time.(BALANCE HIDRICO)

58. Artralgia: is A Sensation of pain in the joints.( ARTRALGIA)

59. Mialgias: consist of muscular pains that can affect to one o more muscles of the body and to be able to be produced by very diverse reasons.(MIALGIAS)

60. Patient: is someone who suffers pain or discomfort.(PACIENTE)

61. Valuation: is a medical activity that it has for aim(lens) evaluate and inform about the injuries, sequels, damages and prejudices of a patient, generally after an accident.(VALORACION)

62. Interview :is the process of communication that takes place(is produced) between(among) doctor and patient, inside the development of his(her,your) profession ENTREVISTA)

63. Clinical history: is a document, which arises in the contact between(among) the equipment(team) of health and the users. (Historia clinica)

64. Dialysis: is a process by means of which there are extracted the toxins that the kidney does not eliminate already be that they do not work for an infection or for any other factor that has not decided.(DIALYSIS)

65. Allergy: is the harmful effect of hypersensitivity of the organism (organisation). (ALERGIA).

86. Diuretic: is all substance that on having been consumed provokes an elimination of water and sodium in the organism(organisation), across the urine.(DIURETICOS)

87. Glove: is an article(garment,security), which purpose is it of protecting the hands or the product that is going to be manipulated.(GUANTES)

88. Wound: is an injury that takes place(is produced) in the body of a human being or animal(rude). It(she) can be produced for multiple reasons, though generally it(he,she) is due to blows or tears in the skin(leather).(HERIDA)

89. Chain of cold: is a chain of supply of controlled temperature.(CADENA DE FRIO)

90. Hipercapnea: it is the increase of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2), measured in arterial blood, over 46 mmHg. (HIPERCAPNEA)

91. Hematuria: is the presence of blood in the urine. (HEMATURIA)

92. Piuria: it is the presence of pus in the urine. (PIURIA)

92. Incontinence: is the disability to control the step of the urine. This can change from an occasional escape(fugue) of urine up to a total disability to contain any quantity of urine. (INCONTINENCIA)

93. Visceral pain: It is caused by the activation of nociceptores by infiltration, compression, expansion, traction or isquemia of pelvic, abdominal or thoracic entrails. (DOLOR VISCERAL)

93. Sores for pressure: they are zones located of necroses that tend to appear when the soft(smooth) fabric is compressed(controlled) between(among) two planes, one the bony(osseous) prominences of own(proper) patiently and different an external surface. (ULCERAS POR PRESION)

94. Vesical Tenesmo: it is an imperious desire to urinate that it forces to do it constant, turning out to be a disagreeable experience for the patient and that forces to go to the bath to urinate without obtaining it. (TENESMO VESICAL)

95. Emesis: it is the violent and spasmodic expulsion of the content of the stomach across the mouth. Though possibly it(he,she) developed evolutivamente as a mechanism to expel from the body ingested poisons, it(he,she) can appear as symptom of many diseases not related to these, not at least(even) with the stomach, as cerebral or ocular pathology. (EMESIS)

96. Rate of filtration glomerular: it is the volume of fluid filtered through unit of time from the capillaries glomerulares renal towards the interior of Bowman's capsule. (TASA DE FILTRACION GLOMERURAL)

97. Fever: is a rise in body temperature above what is considered normal. The normal human body temperature is 37 ° (98.6 ° F). [1] The spell acts as adaptive response that helps the body fight the disease-causing organisms and arises in response to a substance called pyrogen (s) that are derived from bacteria or viruses that invade the body. (FIEBRE)

98. diaphoresis, excessive sweating profusely that can be normal (physiological) resulting from physical activity, emotional response, a high temperature, a symptom of an underlying disease or chronic effects of amphetamines. (pathological). (DIAFORESIS)

99. Urticaria is a skin disease characterized by skin lesions oedematous, defined contours and a erythematous halo, usually evanescent and changing. The urticaria is accompanied usually by pruritus, also known as itch. (URTICARIA)

100. Analgesic is a medicine that removes dolor.Aunque calm or you can use the term for any substance or mechanism that reduces the pain, generally refers to a set of drugs from different chemical families to settle down or eliminate the pain by different mechanisms